Possibilities of Sensitiv Imago™ 530 (130) CE


Sensitiv Imago™ device with the software LifeStream is a unique diagnostic, analyzing, testing and healing technology that enables you to execute full analysis of human organism with a revolutionary 96% precision without interfering into human body and to create an effective course of non-chemical holistic healing. Only the Sensitiv Imago equipment works with the living biological object thanks to the patented SBA-sensor technology – all other devices work with the analysis of a virtual profile of a patient.

  • Express evaluation of health state within 30 minutes
  • Detection of pathologies in the organism, period of their development and possible reasons of their aggravation
  • Detection of the most weakened systems in organism
  • Detection of possible diseases at their stage of birth, in the risk stage
  • Prognosis for the period of 1 to 5 years ahead
  • Recommendations for health recovery
  • Identifies maximum effective course of recovery on an individual basis
  • Detection of unstable laboratory indicators (their qualitative evaluation)
  • Non-invasive biochemical homeostasis blood analysis
  • Non-invasive microfloral homeostasis analysis detecting presence of viruses, bacteria and invaders
  • Formation of dieting recommendations inclusive of blood group (exclude-recommend)
  • Identification of personal predisposition and risks
  • Detection of possible allergens and their reasons
  • Identifies predisposition for diseases
  • Multivariable analysis of homeostasis in systems and organs
  • Evaluation of the biological activity of microflora, its activity range and distribution zones
  • Monitors and identifies changes in the organs: inflammation and degeneration
  • Determines the acid-alkali balance in the tissues
  • Allows to identify the effect of mineral stones on organism and choose one to have a positive effect on an individual organism
  • Determination of energy-informational harmfulness degree on the organism
  • Allows to identify the effect of contaminants on a particular organism (mycotoxins, pesticides, herbicides, nitrates and nitrites, fungicides, heavy metals)
  • Determination of accumulation degree od dangerous E-supplements (food additives)
  • Allows to identify the effect of psycho-factors on a particular organism
  • Allows to selection and testing of supplements or drugs, herbs, mineral stones by testing the medication in the Sensitiv Imago chamber of the device (vegeto-test)
  • Contains the broadband filters of spectronosodes by more than 30 top companies-producers of dietary supplements
  • Contains the spectrograms of all types of toxins: food, medicinal, production and endogenous
  • Selects individual medicinal agent from 1760 possible variations
  • Preparation of informational, structuring and drainage spectronosodes
  • Possibility to create individual energy-based preparations
  • The number of the spectrograms contained is 12000 variations
  • Health-improving possibilities (frequency compensation, BRT, bio-impendance) -individual energy correction of organs and systems
  • Anti-Dependance technology “Anti-smoking” program

Additional functions

  • Card index included that enables you to work with data of patient’s disease and analysis
  • You can record the card index on a disk, sorting patients by alphabet
  • Automatic neutralizing of negative information
  • The equipment does automatic data archiving every day/every week
  • The Imago card index allow different channels for different operators with a personal entrance code
  • You can set access limitation to Imago databases
  • Sensitiv Imago includes spectrograms of more than 50 dietary supplements producing companies, a group of symphtomatic remedies, homeopathic medication, herbage
  • Identifies dosage of inner vegetative test and pharmaceutical form of the packed medications
  • It is possible to compare health state before and after the recovery course
  • Includes spectrograms of sound organs for final structuring stage of a healing
  • The operator has freedom to choose a way of organizing data: by systems, by frequencies, by parts of body (head, neck, chest, belly, pelvis, limbs)
  • Lifestream program has 3D organ models for all-round evaluation of surveyed organ’s state
  • There is a function provided for listening to slow music with regulated volume during the history taking
  • There is an inbuilt microphone provided for speaking with a patient without him taking off the head phones
  • User can choose the speed of diagnosis and it’s level of deepness before starting a client examination session
  • There is a function allowing to calculate by 4 parameters: physical, intellectual, emotional, general
  • The Sensitiv Imago software provides professional multilevel protection from possible illegal use and forgery
  • Set restriction mode for unfamiliar users to access LifeStream spectrograms
  • Sensitiv Imago comes complete with all the necessary documents: certificates, warranty, user’s manual

Brief summary of Sensitiv Imago’s main features

  • The full scan and diagnosis of patient within 30 minutes
  • Identification of all possible pathologies, monitoring of pathologies and pathogens
  • Prognosis of disease development for the period of 1 to 5 years ahead
  • Identification of possible allergens
  • Individual courses of recovery, including the frequency compensation (the method that helps recreate the self-compensatory reactions of organs and systems)
  • Vegetotest. On-spot selection of most effective additives and drugs for a patient (you can test any drug using a special Sensitiv Imago chamber to determine the potential effect of this particular drug or additive on the patient’s organism)